Yesterday I had a nice beer with Z. A babybeer in my hand, a bottle of real Hungarian one in his (the last beer of his flatmate...), between us two webcams and a couple of thousand km.
Z is our domestic zoologist, he knows everything about everything, he had already seen a lot personally and will see even more. He asked me between two sips why I represented the moose as a Nordic Terrorist, a Nightmare of Children, or a Sanguinary Beast, because he already had walked past mooses living in the wild more than once and he is still here, drinking his beer.
Z is - as always (strictly in zoological questions) - naturally right. On the other hand, I did not intend to jinx the animal. I simply showed what the local people say ("if it runs towards you, it is not the best thing") and I keep thinking it is true. But of course it is true as well that this happens very rarely because they are afraid of man and they also prefer to run in the opposite direction.
Is it clear like this, Z? What about a next beer?