[Well, I guess this is the kind of post which is interesting for Hungarians only, but since I promised to translate everything...]
I read in the news what a huge WW2-bomb had been found in Budapest ("the biggest bomb ever found in Budapest", but finally it wasn't and it doesn't matter anyway). Luckily enough the bomb was empty, nothing happened, everybody is happy etc. Basically it is nothing new, it isn't the first time that we face souvenirs from the second world war and most probably it won't be the last time either, so really nothing special, nothing more should have been said about it, if...
If I hadn't found a line in the news which said that the bomb was made in Germany. Most probably I missed the history lesson when we learned about the bombardment of Budapest by the Germans and I hadn't even read the respective part in the textbook. I quickly asked the fellow Hungarians here (3 at the moment) but they were just looking at me with incomprehension. Everybody thought that Hungary had only been bombarded by the English/Americans and the Soviets (perhaps except for the delicate case in Kassa). I did a lengthy search on the internet then, but I am a twit and I didn't find anything.
Dear millions of blog-reading historians and eyewitnesses, I would be very happy if you wrote me when and how Budapest (or any other part of Hungary) had been bombarded by the Germans. During the siege or after it? I am really curious and maybe I am not alone. You can find the "comment" option below.
Update: it happened after the Soviets took the Pest side. Thanks for the info, K.!