I was hoping for a more striking and creative solution of the question concerning sabbath from one of my earlier posts than the answer which I got today. I don't know whether this is the/an official standpoint or not but in the absence of other official information (which most probably exists but is unknown to me) I have to take this as an etalon. I asked somebody who asked somebody who might know, and this somebody, or somebody whom this somebody asked (etc etc) wrote the following answer to somebody who forwarded it to me:
Hey there, very good question. the Ben ish Hai writes that in areas of 24 hr sunlight or darkness, a person should consider 6AM to be sunrise and 6PM to be sunset. Another opinion is to use the time that the sun is lowest in the sky (usually about midnight) to delineate one day from the next. but this case only occurs in locations above the arctic circle.
Exact and practical indeed. But I miss some bouquet...